Queens in Utblickens


GIC S* Utblickens Jannina, f 02
Sir; EC S* Utblickens Jan Puma,  DM, d 09
SC S* Utblickens Miriam, f 03

Born : 09 05 30
weight;  5,8 kg

           HCM-test - 16/5 -12 Normal            
      GSD IV   Neg                                

GIC S* Utblickens Tufva, f 0924
Born : 10 08 09
weight;  5,8 kg

HCM-test - 24/8 -11 Normal
  GSD IV   Neg 
PK-def neg by parents
    3 x

IC S* Utblickens Lill Imra, f  02
Born : 11 10 27 
weight;   4,5 kg
Sir; GIC (N) Skaujenta's Imar, n 22
GIC S* Utblickens Jannina, f 02

HCM-test - 9/12 -14 Normal
Bouth parent GSD IV normal
PK-def  Normal


GIC S* Utblickens Diva, n 09
Born : 13 08 20
weight ; 4,6 gr 
HCM-test  : will be done ....
Bouth parent GSD IV normal
PK-def  Normal
12 x BIV    6 x NOM    1 x BIS 


S* Utblickens Magic Tara, fs 22
Born : 14 11 06
weight ;  4.2 kg
HCM-test  : will be done ....
Bouth parent GSD IV normal
PK-def  Normal by parent


S* Utblickens Thelma, ns 0221
Born : 15 09 25
weight ;  ...kg
HCM-test  : will be done ....
Bouth parent GSD IV normal
PK-def  Normal by parent

S* Utblickens Hedvig, f  24
Born : 16 01 24


Photo will come


CH S* Utblickens Indra, f 03
Born : 13 09 19
HCM-test -16 Normal
 Bouth parent GSD IV normal
Sir : GIC S* Utblickens D.J. Bobo
Dame: IC S* Utblickens Lill Imra

S* Poo Nai's Wuzzan Bangil, g 0324
Born : 16 08 15
weight ; 5.1 kg at 1 year

 Bouth parent GSD IV normal
Sir :  SC S* Utblickens Trisse , a 24
Dame: S* Restless Coraline, f  0923

