Kitten born at 24 of Febr, -08


 CH S* Utblickens Ma Lena, f  


IC (N) Mestros Valentino, n 03 22

 3 BOV  3 NOM    



HCM neg


 More photos at Mestro's

Born 24/2 -08
100 gr Utblickens  Truls  Male n 0922 Booked
100 gr Utblickens  Terje  Male n 0922 Booked
 98 gr Utblickens  Trine  Female f 0924 Booked
(100)  Utblickens  Turid Female f 0924 For sale
(89)  Utblickens  Thyra  Female f 0922 Sold
newborn  3 days 1 w 2 w 3 w 
4 w  4 ½ w 5 w  6 w 7 w
8 w 9 w 10 w 11 w 12 w
Turid 13w  14w  Turid 15w

Thank you Laila, at Mestro's, who make this meeting posible.
Extra photos from Lailas visit :)) 

Ma Lena give birth to 11 kittens. The delivery started too earley,  at 61 days of pregnanzy.
This was too early for some of the kittens. But this 5 surwiving is sooooo lovely.

Truls, n 0922
12 weeks

Terje, n 0922

Moving today, 12½ weeks

Here in hands of mummy Elin

12 weeks

Trine, f 0924

15 weeks

Trine and  Linda Lou, in hands of new owner, Carmen with family :))

12 weeks

Turid, f 0924

16 weeks

12 weeks

Thyra, f 0922

16 weeks

Here with new mommy Laila,

12 weeks
